Spring Cleaning 2021 is Next Level
It feels like a biological imperative to de-clutter and deep clean once the cold weather has finally said farewell. We've been cooped up for months and now we're coming out of our quasi-hibernation. The sun is shining and we're itching to tidy up after a dark, stuffy winter. I know I'm not alone in this. The urge to simplify and organize is very real. This year more than ever!
We've all experienced an intense year of being quarantined and isolated in our houses. And after, what felt like, a winter that just wouldn't quit I've basically turned into a female Mr. Clean. Let me also add here, this is not a natural disposition for me! I can live comfortably in a surprising amount of clutter - this is probably why I don't mind constant projects going on in the house (except for the kitchen, that one did me in). But this year is different and all I seem to want to do is organize and declutter my house and my life!
If I'm being honest, I think my insatiable urge to organize and minimize is about more than quarantine. That is a major factor, but I'd be willing to wager that my need to rid my house of anything old or unnecessary is also wrapped up in wanting to further rid myself of the life I lived with my ex. Life for me has felt like survival for so long and I'm finally out of that! I'm psycho-analyzing myself here, but I feel like I'm literally and figuratively opening up space. I'm making room for myself and for this new special person that is taking up more and more space in my life and my heart. I'm shedding all that is unnecessary and cumbersome to make room for my new life.
And it feels so dang GOOD!