Am I Doing This Right?

Testing, testing, one, two.

Let me just start by admitting that I have no idea what I'm doing.

But look at me. I'm doing it anyways!

And lets all be very honest here, anyone reading this post is a close friend or family member (hi dad!) so I'm feeling a since of freedom to be a little imperfect.

To give you some background and some context: about a year ago, my husband kind of broke up with me - I say "kind of" because, oh my gosh, it is so much more complicated than that, as every marriage story is. But I'm keeping it simple here.

Here I was, separated, angry, lost, and unemployed. I had no idea where to go or what to do but I had to do something. I had so much restless and anxious energy, it had to go somewhere or I was going to loose my mind. So I picked up a shovel and started gardening. I obsessively weeded my landscaping. On my hands and knees with a hand trawl, I made myself new garden beds. I mowed the lawn, I weed waked. I did it all, man. When a branch fell off of a tree I kicked up the chainsaw and I chopped that sucker up.

Never in my life had I done things like this before. But I was all alone with limited funds and a lot of anger to work with. I had to call a friend to walk me though how to till a garden bed, I had to watch youtube videos on how to start up a lawn mower and don't get me started on the chainsaw. That thing scared the bujesus out of me. But I did it. Despite my fear and my lack of knowledge, I did it all.

It was exhausting and I was being fueled by my anger so, honestly, it was draining too. But ultimately it was empowering. I figured out that I can take care of myself and I can take care of this house.

Fast forward to now, I'm honestly pretty happy. I'm figuring out my new place in the word. And I wanted to start writing about it. *Jump to me trying to take pictures for my first blog post:

I mean wow, the struggle is real! I'm going to be learning a lot as I go. I hope you join the fun. It'll probably be a bumpy ride. But I can promise you one thing, I'm gonna keep it 100 the whole time.

Lets do this y'all!


It All Started With A Shelf